Biotope "Vahrner Seemoor"

Biotope "Vahrner Seemoor"

Water, Flora & Fauna

Biotope "Vahrner Seemoor"

The south of Lake Vahrn is overgrown with reeds and has been a protected biotope since 1977. Countless fish and other animals use the lake as a habitat. Frogs croak, dragonflies buzz, birds sing all around and other rare animals populate the surrounding forest. The extensive reed belt including the siltation zone forms a necessary ecological compensation area for flora and fauna and for the self-purification power of the water body.

Quiet zone

Quiet zone

The southern water and wetland area is a quiet zone with extensive reed, cattail and sedge stands as well as water plants with rich insect, amphibian and bird fauna: important also for the natural renewal of the fish population! Especially the reed plants have a water purifying effect, as they secrete bactericidal substances.

Animals in the pond

Animals in the pond

Ponds house a biologically highly productive microcosm of aquatic plants and animals in a very small space. This is why numerous land animals, bats and birds also find rich prey here. Since floodplains and streams with natural ponds have become rare, newly created ponds in the garden or in the cultivated landscape quickly become home to many endangered small animals and allow interesting observations of the development of life.



Weiße und rote Seerosen schmücken den See und um den See herum wachsen Birken, Rotkiefer, Fichten, Ahornbäume, Eschen, Edelkastanien und Kirschbäume.

An einigen Stellen reicht der Nadelwald der Seitenhänge bis ans Seeufer.


Vahrnerseeweg 6
39040 Vahrn
Route planner

Tel.: +39 0472 832169

© 2023 Landgasthaus Camping Vahrner See